BCAPL Rules - Statement of Principles
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2010 - 2011

Statement of Principles

These are principles that the BCAPL believes in, promotes, and uses to develop The Official Rules of the BCA Pool League. They are published here to help players, officials and administrators understand what the BCAPL believes comprises the spirit of the game. They are general statements and are not part of the rules themselves. However, if a situation occurs for which there is not specific guidance in the BCAPL rules, Administrative Authorities may look to these principles to assist them in making an appropriate decision.

·Every player, referee, event official, tournament director and league operator should have open, equal access to the BCAPL Rules, Applied Rulings and event regulations.
·It is more important that the game be decided based on the players' pool-playing ability than by their knowledge of the rules. Therefore, upon request and within the guidelines of the rules, referees will assist players whenever asked, including helping players understand the rules and their application. However, players' ignorance of the rules is not a defense against any penalties that they may incur under them.
·The BCAPL rules are for every player, regardless of talent, skill, experience or knowledge. Whether you are a first-time player or a seasoned professional, if you learn the BCAPL rules and follow them faithfully, they will help guide you to an enjoyable and fair experience. Similarly, no player may use their stature, level of experience, or knowledge to claim, impose, or gain an unfair advantage by improperly manipulating, circumventing or evading the BCAPL rules.
·We believe that the rules can never be too detailed, and that they should cover as many situations as possible. The BCAPL will make every attempt to provide as much information as possible to help ensure the uniform and consistent enforcement of the rules.
·BCAPL referees are enforcers of rules - not legislators. No BCAPL referee makes any policy decisions regarding the BCAPL Rules. All official interpretations and Applied Rulings are made by the BCAPL National Office and are solely their responsibility. In unusual situations, referees, whenever possible, must first look to the event administration for guidance before making a ruling. (See BCAPL Rules 9.5.3 and 9.5.4.)
·There are some significant differences between The Official Rules of the BCA Pool League and other sets of billiards rules. Those differences are not accidental or unintended. It is improper to use any other set of rules as a reference or as guidance in reaching a resolution to any situation in BCAPL play.
·Players should not be penalized under the rules for situations or events over which they have absolutely no control.
·Luck is an inherent part of all sports, games and competition. It is neither possible nor desirable to use the rules to legislate all luck out of the game.

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